A Morning to remember!!!
The Bootcamp this morning was absolutely amazing, we started right on time and went straight for 3 hours. The morning was filled with races, strong-man challenges, obstacle courses, lots of cardio, legs drills and of course pushups…but the best part was all the cheering of teammates and amazing attitude from all!! We have to thank all of you that came out, Chris and I had a blast putting this event on and we already can’t wait for the next one!! Sarah Bradd won 1 free year of Adrenaline in the draw and others won month memberships and gear. While team “Marc’s Angels” took the win overall … Kayla Dodson from the winning team won the whole thing in the final show down of the day.
I hope you all had a blast and are feeling great from it…what an awesome morning that was and lots of memories to keep!! We will be having another 3.hr Bootcamp in Septemeber so keep an eye for when the event is posted and make sure you sign up in advance.
Team AxFit